Hi Parents/Guardians! Thank you for your interest in Art Club. I am Katy Clark, a professional artist and mom of two girls at BBHES and BBHMS.
I facilitate a positive art exploration atmosphere where artists can work hands-on with all kinds of supplies (Pastel chalks, Watercolor and Acrylic Paints, Posca Markers, ModPodge, to name a few). My goal is to let them explore new materials while offering light instruction. I will teach techniques related to the medium of the class, a very general theme, and let them have fun creating.
Art Club is K-5. Kids choose their seats. Everyone creates according to their ability. Please send them with a long t-shirt they can get super messy. I'll do my best to have them clean up before they get in your car!
At dismissal, Art Club kids are sent to the media center stairs for attendance, then, head to the first-floor art room. At 5:00, you pick them up in the parent turnaround or park and walk up to meet them. I stay until the last child is picked up.
A snack and supplies used in class are included in the class fee.
We have had some behavioral issues in this club which makes it really difficult to help others. If your child is constantly combative and/or disruptive, they will be asked not to return and you will be refunded for the remainder of class dates. Please read the school's Code of Conduct for After School Clubs.
To register, follow the links below to my ETSY shop where you will purchase your spot. Monday kids will attend on Mondays only, Wednesday kids on Wednesday only, and, so on. Projects repeat M, W, TH, so please choose only one day of the week! Download the form immediately after payment (you can find it under your purchases in the menu), fill it out, and email it to me at MOOCHYFACE@GMAIL.COM. I have to send the roster ahead of time to the school's administration team, so please be timely. Once I receive and process all forms, I will email everyone before the first club date!
TUESDAYS: 2/4 (postponed) 2/11 (postponed), 2/18/ 2/25, 3/4, 311, 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22
WEDNESDAYS: 2/5 (postponed), 2/12 (postponed), 2/19, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 4/2, 4/9, 4/16, 4/23
THURSDAYS:2/13 (postponed), 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 4/3, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24